June 23, 2023

It's so hard to relax these days. Your brain is always receiving new input. And if you are with a brain full of ideas, information, bad news and unhelpful thoughts, you are going to feel very tired and stressed. 

I have collected few tips that always help me to clear my mind. 

- TAKE A BREAK, almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you! If you really make time in your day to take a break, your head will feel clearer and you will have more energy so you can get back to work more productive.

- PRIORITIZE, try always to finish the most important work first so you don't think about it anymore. A good way to clear out. 

- WRITE IT DOWN, the best way to clear your mind is to write all your thoughts down. It sounds simple, but putting your thoughts on paper is different to just keeping them all in your head. 

- TALK, if your head is full of upsetting thoughts, have a tea time with a friend. Chat to them about what's bothering you. Be open and you are going to feel much better. 

- MEDITATION, the power of meditation is that real. It helps you to connect to your truest self, it helps you with stress, anxiety, and mood swings. It strengths the muscles of your mind and your view will evolve accordingly.